
Feinmetall runs Onventis Cloud Procurement

FEINMETALL GmbH in Herrenberg introduces the Onventis cloud procurement solution in purchasing.

Onventis digitizes the strategic and operational procurement processes of FEINMETALL GmbH and supports the purchasing department in increasing the company’s success through material cost savings and process optimization.

FEINMETALL delivers its customers with fine and micromechanical contact systems for electronics for more than 50 years. The Group has a worldwide presence including seven locations with around 480 employees as well as partners and distributors in 37 countries.



Nos experts en approvisionnement électronique vous présentent le réseau d’approvisionnement Onventis All-in-One.

Weitere Kunden aus der BrancheOther customers from the industryAndere klanten uit de brancheOther customers from the industry: Électronique & Mesure

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